Use the online voting platform to submit votes at an online meeting. As a creditor or a creditor's representative you will need to follow these steps to vote:
Register on the portal
Firstly, ensure you are registered and can login.
Also see detailed help on the registration process. If you need assistance entering a creditor code, see our help guide here.
Go to the external administration's poll
Once you login, meetings you may attend will appear on the home page.
Click the "Scheduled" button to view the meeting page.
Prepare yourself for voting ahead of the meeting

To vote you must submit a claim. See our notes on submitting your claim by entering a proof of debt.
Voting Proxy
If you are representing someone else or voting on behalf of a company or organisation, you will need a proxy. Items you may be interested in:
When can I vote?
When does a meeting open for voting?
Submitting your votes
Once the meeting is open, how do I submit my vote?
Viewing the results of a poll
When the meeting is closed, you may view the poll results on the "Poll results" tab.
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